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Laura Kuhlman

Laura Kuhlman resides in Portland, Oregon

and up until 2014, was active in Chicago, Illinois, where she spent many years as a freelance musician. From Bach to Broadway, Laura has enjoyed partnerships with several early music ensembles including the Burgundian Ensemble, Masqued Phoenix, and the Too Early Consort. She founded and led The Milwaukee Renaissance Band from 2009 - 2014.  Laura has performed for the Portland Revels and with members of Piffaro for the Washington D.C., Revels. In December 2022, Laura played for the Portland Revels Children’s Show on recorders, flutes and bagpipes.

Laura is currently music director for the Portland Recorder Society and the Recorder Orchestra of Oregon and is past President of the national American Recorder Society. Laura has taught at many early music workshops around the US, Canada and in August 2019, in Steckborn, Switzerland. Laura also performs, leads and arranges music for the lively medieval band, Musica Universalis, whose purpose is to play early music in unusual places and collaborations with other artistic disciplines. Their 2021 performance of Danse Macabre: The testament of François Villon and their 2023 performance of Piercing the Veil performed to sold out shows and was the weekend entertainment pick of the Willamette Weekly.

Laura is an active performer for the English Country Dance community in Portland. She a member of the rowdy horn section in the acclaimed Portland Megaband. Since 2021, Laura has been teaching online with Gayle and Phil Neuman. The trio teaches over 100 recorder, strings, and double reed players from all over the USA. In addition, Laura teaches flute, saxophone, recorder, renaissance double reeds and renaissance bagpipes both at workshops and in her home studio. If there is not an instrument in her hands, Laura can be found roaming the hills and dales of Oregon on her beloved bicycle and creating glass art in her glass kiln.

Laura can be reached at

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