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Location: Shoreline Community College

We are thrilled to announce that our 2024 location will be at Shoreline Community College, a hidden gem just north of Seattle City limits.  Not only is the campus lovely and easy to navigate, but we will have an entire building to ourselves with 3 spacious rooms and plenty of parking directly outside the entrance to the building.

Here is the entrance to the campus from Greenwood Ave. N.  The entrance to the campus is Innis Arden Way.

Bear to the left past the first parking lot.

Turn right into the next partking lot toward the Theater.

The Theater is in the middle of this picture, and the 1500 building is on the right.  There is no charge for parking in this lot on weekends.

Shoreline publised these directions to their campus, but recommend people follow the directions via 175th Street due to construction at 145th.





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